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Tasman Leather Group | Tasman Leather NC | Tasman Leather KY



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(Copyright 2014 New Balance. This video was filmed on site at TASMAN Leather Group in Hartland, Maine, in support of their Made in USA campaign.
A Bluefoot Entertainment production Producer/Director: Daniel Horgan DP: Bryan Brousseau Camera B: Brian Connely Camera C: Daniel Horgan Tech: Bob O'Reilly Editor: Daniel Horgan NB CP: Kevin Tripp)



       As Part of our long-term strategy, to remain the superior, value added supplier to our loyal customers, we decided a serious investment in a US Tannery was the only way to bring the manufacturing back to America. So that was exactly what we did. We made the investment in American Leather manufacturing, re-invested in the talent and creativity of the American leather worker that had for years been overlooked, and purchased two of the last remaining Tanning facilities in the United States (Wisconsin and Maine).  Welcoming Tasman Hartford and Tasman Leather Group to the Tasman Family. 


        In addition to our USA tanning facilities,  our well established Leather warehouses in Kentucky and North Carolina have continued to flourish as the domestic demand for premium quality leather from American leathers has increased. 

As an organization we offer a variety of leathers suitable for ANY application. From our Ultra Premium Tanning facility in Maine, United States to our Strategic partnerships with the finest tanneries in Mexico, we have a little something for everyone. Our brands or divisions of our organization are industry specific. We cater to your requirements and are here to assist you with all of your leather needs, please see below to see which Brand(s) are most suitable for your products.




The Art of Leather 


 "Leather is the rarest form of art. Why?

Because whether you were a Picasso or a Van Gogh,

each time you sat down and created a masterpiece,

you started with a blank canvas.


In the leather world, our job is not complete after one piece, but is to take something

which lacks uniformity and make it the same look, feel and smell time after time.

"Leather is real art."


 -  J. Tasman 


 We at Tasman are a group of specialized "Artists" creating our masterpieces each and every day for our loyal customers. We create value for many products, products you might be wearing or carrying at this very moment. We want you to know an extraordinary amount of time, care and consideration are dedicated to the production of the luxurious leathers produced by talented "Artists" in Maine. 

Tasman Leather Group

Established 2011


At Tasman Leather Group, we are proud to represent the United States, as an American manufacturer and as a Tannery. an industry so specialized in innovation and creativity, that there are no substitutes for the beautiful craftsmanship produced by our hard-working American team of leather makers.  As our company strategy matured, and our capabilities in the leather industry widened, we found ourselves immersed in nearly every segment of this incredibly diverse and magnificent industry. After we acquired our tannery in Hartland, Maine, which is currently responsible for 100% of our "Made in USA" leathers, we also became the owners of numerous original formulas of some of the most popular leathers in our industry to date.  These precious formulas are the original recipes for Crazy HorseTM, Pitstop, Rage, Renegade, etc. With specialties geared toward Footwear, Military, Garment, Handbag and Hospitality and Design, etc. we have many options to choose from and better service you.


Hours of Delivery:


Trucks & Containers: 6AM - 2PM   Monday - Friday


Flatbed Trucks: 6AM - 1PM   Monday - Friday



TASMAN HARTFORD- Hartford, Wisconsin

(USA Tanning Operation)

Tasman Hartford

Established 2008


Tasman Hartford was an important milestone for the Tasman Group as it was the company's first Tanning facility in the United States. The facility formerly known as the late and great WB Place, opened its doors in 1860's to better serve the local hunting community. A program designed by the facility, would allow hunters to deliver pelts and skins and have a jacket made in return for a much reduced price. This unique concept allowed the tannery to developed their specialties in the smaller skins and pelts market.


The Tannery's  is most recognized and revered in luxury tanner of North American White Tailed Deerskin and Bison. This facility came equipped with a full cut/sew department on the upper level. This department is responsible for the manufacturing of our Messenger bag, Leather Jackets, American flags, Tasman "Tiny Tike" Moccasins, and many of our other "MADE IN USA" products for sale in our on-line store.

TASMAN LEATHER NORTH CAROLINA - High Point, North Carolina (Warehouse Only)

Stonewood _ Vanilla

Stonewood _ Vanilla

Tasman Leather North Carolina

Established 2012


Tasman Leather North Carolina (TLG-NC), was established to better serve the furniture community in the United States. High Point, North Carolina is home to one of the most reknowned markets in the industry, with representation from around the world to We are proud to represent the USA furniture industry as a value added leather supplier, with great turn-around times, prompt shipments, and unmatched customer service and expertise. so specialized in innovation and creativity, that there are no substitutes for the beautiful craftsmanship produced by our hard-working American team of leather makers.  As our company strategy matured, and our capabilities in the leather industry widened, we found ourselves immersed in nearly every segment of this incredibly diverse and magnificent industry. After we acquired our tannery in Hartland, Maine, which is currently responsible for 100% of our "Made in USA" leathers, we also became the owners of numerous original formulas of some of the most popular leathers in our industry to date.  These precious formulas are the original recipies for Crazy Horse, Pitstop, Rage, Renegade, etc. With specialties geared toward Footwear, Military, Garment, Handbag and Hospitality and Design, etc. we have many options to choose from and better service you.


Hours of Delivery:


Trucks & Containers: 6AM - 2PM   Monday - Friday


Flatbed Trucks: 6AM - 1PM   Monday - Friday

THOROUGHBRED LEATHER - Louisville, Kentucky (Warehouse Only)

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Robusto Cigar.jpg

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Midnight Navy.jpg





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Camel 2.jpg







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Qtan Bridle.JPG

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Golden Skirting.JPG

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Thoroughbred Leather

Established 2002


Thoroughbred Leather, Tasman Leather Kentucky (TLG-KY), is the division of Tasman Industries, Inc. that processes leather according to the "old world" methods. The process of Vegetable tanning is unique in nature and not as commonly as chromium tanned leathers. Our raw material is sourced directly and processed by Tasman Industries, Inc. Hides and Skins Division, under strict guidelines to produce specific hides for a particular product. We produce 5 categories that are intended for satisfy a wide range of products. Whether you are looking for length to create reins and belts or lighter weight leather for holsters and wallets, chances are we've got it!


Hours of Delivery:


Trucks & Containers: 6AM - 2PM   Monday - Friday


Flatbed Trucks: 6AM - 1PM   Monday - Friday

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